Affiliated Faculty
This list of affiliated investigators can help you identify potential research mentors at the University of Pittsburgh. PSTP students can, and do, work with mentors not on this list, but the investigators featured below have expressed interest in hosting PSTP students in their laboratories.

Identify phosphorylations, dephosphorylations and acetylations that regulate ATM activity in vivo

Improving recovery from brain injury after cardiac arrest

The Chen lab is interested in the pharmacological studies of visual disorders caused by protein misfolding. The lab's current three projects include pharmacological studies of rhodopsin metabolism, roles of purine metabolites in photoreceptor degeneration, and drug discovery of myocilin-associated glaucoma.

Steroid hormone action in neural stem cells and cancer

The production and signal transduction properties of oxidizing and free radical mediators in metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases

The biochemistry, molecular/cell biology, and physiology/pharmacology of adenosine

Signal Transduction; The role of the Akt kinase in NF-kB and T cell activation; Role of TIM proteins in T cell activation

Cellular, structural and molecular studies of epithelial ion channels

Molecular profiling (genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic) of women’s cancers, mouse modeling, and predictive biomarkers for targeted therapy
Hormone response and treatment resistance in breast and ovarian cancer, including the analysis of aberrant genetic and epigenetic changes

Mechanisms for preserving telomeres in healthy cells to delay aging-related diseases including cancer, or that conversely deplete telomeres in cancer cells to stop their proliferation

NADPH oxidase (Nox) & reactive oxygen species in signaling, vascular dysfunction and cardiopulmonary disease; Nox drug therapy development

Lipid signaling mediators associated with inflammation

Understanding the mechanisms by which mitochondrial function is regulated, particularly by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and the contribution of these mechanisms to cardiovascular health and disease pathogenesis

Mechanisms of white blood cell differentiation & its inhibition in leukemias; Mechanisms of stem cell differentiation & growth control

The Straub laboratory investigates redox cell signaling mechanisms that control endothelial and smooth muscle biology in the microcirculation.

Neural control of low urinary tract and neuromodulation of bladder dysfunction

Repair of DNA damage in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes; Structure and function of nucleotide excision repair proteins

Investigates the signaling of electrophilic fatty acids in transformed stable cell lines while collaborating with clinicians to study the formation and signaling of electrophilic fatty acids in healthy controls, mild to moderate, and severe asthmatic subjects

Drug discovery and drug development, employing organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry and molecular modeling to develop new therapeutic agents for cancer and neurodegenerative diseases in a highly collaborative environment

Designed receptors as therapeutic targets for pain; Mechanisms of low-affinity drug action; Mapping of unconscious brain; Stem cell therapy for stroke