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Affiliated Faculty

This list of affiliated investigators can help you identify potential research mentors at the University of Pittsburgh. PSTP students can, and do, work with mentors not on this list, but the investigators featured below have expressed interest in hosting PSTP students in their laboratories.

Susanne E Ahmari
Susanne Ahmari, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

The Ahmari Lab investigates the molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms underlying repetitive and compulsive behaviors in preclinical models and translates findings into the clinic through collaborative research studies in people with OCD.

Elias Aizenman
Elias Aizenman, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Cellular and Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration

Aaron Batista, PhD
Research Areas: Bioengineering, Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Neurophysiology of sensory-motor coordination, brain-machine interfaces

Claire Cheetham, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Development, plasticity and regeneration of neural circuits

Shinnyi Chou, MD, PhD
Shinnyi Chou, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

We examine the role of the endocannabinoid system in symptoms and outcomes associated with schizophrenia and cannabis use, using cellular and molecular techniques to study human and rodent samples, as well as behavioral methods to study the functional outcomes of changes in the endocannabinoid system.

Charleen Chu, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Pathology
Research Summary:

Redox signaling & autophagy in neuroprotection and neurodegeneration; Mitochondrial phosphoproteomics; Genetic & toxin models of Parkinson’s disease

Paula Clemens, MD
Research Areas: Neurology, Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Models of muscle disease causing muscular dystrophy and muscle atrophy; Translational research for treatment of muscle disease

Christopher Cunningham
Christopher Cunningham, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Otolaryngology
Research Summary:

The Cunningham Lab studies molecular and cellular mechanisms of protein assembly and trafficking in the mammalian auditory system with an ultimate goal of developing therapies for hearing loss.

Brian Davis, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous system development and plasticity

Donald DeFranco, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Pharmacology
Research Summary:

Steroid hormone action in neural stem cells and cancer

Chris Donnelly, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

The molecular pathogenesis of neurodegeneration and aging

Fabio Ferrarelli, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

The neurobiology of schizophrenia and neurophysiological abnormalities during wakefulness and sleep in early course psychosis

Zach Freyberg, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

Dopaminergic signal transduction in the central nervous system, dopamine role in regulating peripheral pancreatic insulin secretion

Avniel Ghuman
Avniel Ghuman, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Neurosurgery
Research Summary:

Our lab studies what human brain networks are doing using long-timescale recordings during real world behavior, as well as how our brains process social information during natural conversations.

Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Neurosurgery
Research Summary:

Adult and pediatric epilepsy surgery; movement disorder surgery; neuro-oncology; general neurosurgery

Anthony Grace, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Neurophysiology of basal ganglia system related to psychiatric disorders

Melanie Grubisha
Melanie Grubisha, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

My work focuses on understanding both normal and abnormal adolescent dendritic development using preclinical models, focusing on how excitatory dendritic arbors stabilize across adolescence and what the functional implications are of impairments in these processes.

Teresa Hastings, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Oxidative mechanisms associated with neurodegeneration

Max Joffe
Max Joffe, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

We investigate how alcohol and drug use regulate or disrupt mechanisms of synaptic plasticity within the prefrontal cortex and we aim to use this knowledge to develop breakthrough psychiatric medications. 

Jon Johnson, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

The Johnson lab studies the physiology, biophysics, structure, pharmacology, and regulation of glutamate receptors

Arthur Levine Photo
Arthur Levine, MD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Alzheimer's; Neurodegenerative diseases

David Lewis, MD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Functional architecture of the prefrontal cortex and schizophrenia

Beatriz Luna, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Brain basis of cognitive maturation through adolescence to adulthood

Colleen Mcclung, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

We are interested in the molecular mechanisms of psychiatric disorders with a particular focus on the role of the circadian clock in these disorders.

Stephen Meriney, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Focuses on mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in the neuromuscular system in both normal and disease conditions

Abby Olsen
Abby Olsen, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neurology, Neuroscience
Research Summary:

The Olsen laboratory uses fruit flies, human cells, and mice to develop new therapies for Parkinson’s disease and related disorders.

Mary Phillips, MD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Identification of neural correlates that underlie the symptoms of specific abnormalities in emotion processing in people with mood disorders

Elvira Pirondini, PhD
Research Areas: Bioengineering, Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Stroke, motor control, proprioception, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), biomarkers

Sarah Ross, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Understanding the functional organization of spinal microcircuits using molecular genetic, electrophysiological, optogenetic & behavioral approaches

Maria Rubio, MD, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Understanding the functional organization of spinal microcircuits using molecular genetic, electrophysiological, optogenetic & behavioral approaches

Alexander Sorkin, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Mechanisms and functional role of endocytic trafficking of EGF receptor in cancer cells and the dopamine transporter in the brain

Peter Strick, Phd
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

The control of voluntary movement by the cerebral cortex; The functional organization of the basal ganglia and cerebellum; Unraveling the circuitry of the central nervous system

Alan Sved, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Central neural control of the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular function; neurobiology of nicotine pharmacology

Robert Sweet, MD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Research Summary:

Loss and altered plasticity of auditory cortex synapses in schizophrenia; Mediators of vulnerability to psychosis in Alzheimer disease

Bradley Taylor
Bradley Taylor, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

We study the molecular neurobiology and pharmacology of chronic pain and substance misuse.

Thanos Tzounopoulos, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience
Research Summary:

We study synaptic mechanisms and their role during normal and pathological sensory processing (tinnitus).

Alberto Vazquez, PhD
Research Areas: Bioengineering, Neuroscience
Research Summary:

Brain imaging of neuronal, metabolic and vascular function and dysfunction

Yan Xu
Yan Xu, PhD
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Pharmacology
Research Summary:

Designed receptors as therapeutic targets for pain; Mechanisms of low-affinity drug action; Mapping of unconscious brain; Stem cell therapy for stroke