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Introducing the PSTP Entering Class of 2024

PSTP Entering Class of 2024

The PSTP is pleased to add 8 new students to the program!! Meet the entering class of 2024 below!


Internal (Starting Research Year):

Fidelia Gaba

Undergrad School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hobbies: Baking, active involvement in my church, and journaling/ruminating on a variety of existential topics

Why PSTP: “The amazing resources for mentorship, learning, and networking as well as the protected research time to focus intensely on mastering new research techniques were very appealing aspects of the program.”



Sadhana Bom

Undergrad School: St. Cloud State University

Hobbies: Landscape painting, camping/hiking, and cooking

Why PSTP: “I am deeply passionate about connecting science and medicine to improve human health at a population level.”


Ashley Choi

Undergrad School: Duke University

Research Mentor: Bradley Taylor, PhD

Hobbies: Swimming, cooking, and listening to podcasts

Why PSTP: “I chose the PSTP because of its structured curriculum, emphasis on strong mentorship, and a community of peers who share my enthusiasm for basic/translational research!”


Jessica Jiang

Undergrad School: Cornell University

Hobbies: Running, travelling, and art history 

Why PSTP: “The unique training of the PSTP allows me to continue pursuing basic science research while learning medicine, preparing me for a lifetime as a physician scientist.”


Ryan McConnell

Undergrad School: Boston College

Hobbies: Running/Exercising, learning world history, and traveling

Why PSTP: “I chose the PSTP because of the structured curriculum, personalized mentorship, collaborative culture and close-knit community.  It is an incredible opportunity for me to learn and grow as a researcher while I pursue a career in academic medicine.”


Liva Pfuhler

Undergrad School: Bryn Mawr College

Hobbies: Cooking, spending time outside, and trying out new restaurants and coffee shops

Why PSTP: “The opportunities offered through the PSTP including an innovative curriculum, collaborative community, and dedicated research time will allow me to grow into the physician researcher I strive to become.”


Breanna Sullivan

Undergrad School: Hofstra University

Hobbies: Playing the guitar, baking for family/friends, and spending time in nature hiking/cycling

Why PSTP: “I wish to bridge the gap between science and medicine by advancing our scientific understanding of neurodegenerative diseases to improve clinical outcomes for my future patients.”


Caleb Watson

Undergrad School: Duke University

Hobbies: Exercising, learning new languages, and listening to live music

Why PSTP: “I was drawn by the opportunity to leverage my computational background in a medical context, while also benefiting from the program’s professional development, which aims to teach students how to navigate careers combining the clinical and research sciences.”


Welcome to the program, everyone!!